class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # {flexdashboards} ## Data visuals. On a board. ### Akhila Nekkanti ### Winter 2021 --- class: center, left #Why use a dashboard? ![](img/covid19.PNG) --- #Why use a dashboard? ![](img/pokemon.PNG) --- #Why use a dashboard? ![](img/jim.PNG) --- #Why use a dashboard? ![](img/akhila.PNG) --- # The ultimate source ![](img/flexdash.PNG) --- #Where to start? -- Workflow! -- We want to make sure we have the *option* to make our dashboard public. -- 1. Create a new Project -- 2. Create a new Rmarkdown from template {flexdashboards} -- 3. Knit right away -- 4. Create a github Repo -- 5. Link your local and remote repos with GitKraken --- #Mise en place: Set yourself up. -- Open: - R - GitKraken - Github --- class: center, middle ##1. Create a new Project File > New Project > New Directory ![](img/newproj.gif) --- class: center, middle ##2. Create a new Rmarkdown from template and (#3) Knit ```r #One time only install.packages("flexdashboard") ``` ![](img/newrmd.gif) --- class: center, middle ##4. Create a GitHub repo and (#5) Link it with your local ![](img/link.gif) --- class: center, middle # Ready to PUBLISH! ![](img/publish.gif) --- class: center, middle ## Now let's play around with our dashboard! --- ## Let's start with the YAML. ```r --- title: "Coolest DEMO EVER" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: columns vertical_layout: fill * social: menu * source_code: --- ``` ![](img/source.PNG) --- ## Let's add a new page. ```r *Weird Flex *========================= Column {data-width=650} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Chart A < r code chunk > Column {data-width=350} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Chart B < r code chunk > *But Okay *======================== ### Chart C < r code chunk > ``` ![](img/tabs.PNG) --- ##Play around! - Change the name of each square - Try adding a different plot in each square - Can you change the number of squares in each page? - Can you change the size of each square? Plot example: ```r library(tidyverse) mtcars %>% ggplot(aes(wt, mpg, col=as_factor(cyl))) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~cyl) ``` ## 5 minutes :) --- ##Want to add some text? Just add it in like you would for a typical Rmarkdown doc. ```r # Page 1 Check out this plot I made. ### Plot A <R code for your plot> ``` --- ##Columns - Create a new column with ```{} Column -------------------------------------- ``` - Change the width of each column - Notice there are NO spaces around the '=' ```{} Column {data-width=400} -------------------------------------- ``` - Add a new square within each column ```{} Column {data-width=400} -------------------------------------- ### New Square ``` --- ##Columns vs. Rows - If you want all rows: ```r --- title: "Coolest DEMO EVER" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: * orientation: rows vertical_layout: fill social: menu source_code: --- ``` --- ##Columns vs. Rows - If you want rows for some pages and columns for other pages: - don't specify the orientation - **do** add 'data-orientation' when you name your pages. In this example, Page 1 will have rows and Page 2 will have columns. ```r #change your yaml --- title: "Coolest DEMO EVER" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: * vertical_layout: fill * horizontal_layout: fill social: menu source_code: --- *Page 1 {data-orientation=rows} *=============================== *Page 2 *=============================== ``` --- ##Rows - Create a new row with ```{} Row -------------------------------------- ``` - Change the width of each row - Notice there are NO spaces around the '=' ```{} Row {data-height=400} -------------------------------------- ``` - Add a new square within each row ```{} Row {data-height=400} -------------------------------------- ### New Square ``` --- # You can also add a sidebar! Here's an example from my dashboard. ![](img/akhila.PNG) --- # You can also add a sidebar! If you want the sidebar on all pages: ```{} Sidebar Title {.sidebar} =================================== This Dashboard is Important. RMarkdown syntax works here! [Click here]( ``` If you want the sidebar on just one page: ```{} Sidebar Title {.sidebar} ------------------------------ ``` --- #What if you want to organize your columns even more? You can use tabs: ![](img/minitabs_LI.jpg) --- ## Use tabset to split your columns or rows into tabs. ```r *Column {.tabset} ------------------------------------- *### Part 1 <r code chunk> *### Part 2 <r code chunk> Column {data-width=650} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ### OH la la, Final Plot ``` **For multiple arguments, there's no comma in between.** ```{} Column {.tabset data-width=350} ------------------------------------- ``` --- #Interactivity! You can use {reactable} or {plotly} to make your tables or plots interactive! Here's a simple example: ```r p <- mtcars %>% ggplot(aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() plotly::ggplotly(p) ```
```r reactable::reactable(mtcars) ```
--- #Interactivity! If you have more than one page, make it *shiny*! [{shiny}](*) allows you to make interactive web applications with R. First, change your YAML. ```r --- title: "Coolest DEMO EVER" *runtime: shiny output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: ``` Next, assign your interactive plot or table to an object, and **render**. ```r renderPlotly(plot1) renderReactable(table1) ``` --- #I know what you're thinking. Interactivity isn't enough. How can I make my dashboard even cooler? ### I have the answer. Icons. I recommend using [Fontawesome icons]( you can also use [ionicons]( ```r #Use the prefix "fa" for fontawesome icons or "ion" for ionicons. Weird Flex {data-icon="fa-code-branch"} ================================= ``` ![](img/icon.PNG) --- # Want a logo? So simple, my friends. Download a fontawesome icon to your project folder, and change your YAML. Check the size of your png file! ```r --- title: "Coolest DEMO EVER" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: columns vertical_layout: fill * logo: coolpic.png * favicon: coolicon.png social: menu source_code: --- ``` --- # Storyboards ![](img/storyboard.PNG) --- # Storyboard all the way. 1. First, change your YAML. 2. Use level 3 headers (###) for each frame in your storyboard. ```r --- title: "Storyboard" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: * storyboard: true --- *### Frame 1 *### Frame 2 *### Frame 3 ``` --- # Storyboard all the way. ![](img/storyboard1.PNG) --- # Storyboards on just one page. 1. Just add {.storyboard} to your page title. ```r *Cool Story {.storyboard} *========================== *### Frame 1 *### Frame 2 ``` ![](img/storypage.PNG) --- #Last but not least, [themes](! ```r --- title: "Coolest DEMO EVER" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: columns vertical_layout: fill * theme: united social: menu source_code: --- ``` --- class: center, middle # Thanks! Slides created via the R package [**xaringan**]( The chakra comes from [remark.js](, [**knitr**](, and [R Markdown](